Fire Safety


Our consultancy services include:

  • preventive fire protection (Fachplanung für vorbeugenden Brandschutz auf Fachplaner und Sachverständigenniveau (EIPOS))
  • computer-based evacuation simulation with one of the leading software products, based on cellular microscopic models
  • determination of concurrency factors

We perform evacuation analyses (simplified methods as well as advanced computer simulations) for the following domains:

  • buildings: Evacuation analysis (DIN 18009-1:2016-09)
  • events: in support of event planning
  • ships: Evacuation analysis for passenger ships (MSC.1/Circ.1533)


Selected clients

  • Beuth Hochschule für Technik, Berlin (Referat III A)
    Logo der Beuth Hochschule für Technik
  • brandkontrolle Andreas Flock GmbH, Berlin
    Logo der brandkontrolle Andreas Flock GmbH


  • We teach the training course on computer-based evacuation simulation („Personenstromsimulation im Brandschutz“) for EIPOS Europäisches Institut für postgraduale Bildung GmbH.